Tuesday 15 December 2009

Whats going on at the moment

Well, i had better loose my blogging cherry properly hadn't i? My film 'Find your voice' is taking shape, i should have it finished by thursday which is very very good. I will have some time to get my 'Malaria no More' film sorted as well before i head back to sunny Bedfordshire for christmas!! Christmas at home should be fun, im working most the time as standard, but it will be good to see the lads and the family again. 

Im currently watching The Who live at the Isle of White Festival on Sky Arts channel. The Who are a band who i think musically have shaped the industry to what it is today, they were experimental in what they did and achieved a great sound, they also made the live show a show of entertainment away from the music, when i look through videos on you tube or my DVD of 'The Kids are Alright' i love watching Keith Moon drum, he is so animated and looks like he is loving every second! The rest of the band, bar John Entwhistle, are so active and move about so much it made going to a gig worth watching as well as listening to. Such rock bands like The Gallows and Slipknot who are knowen for their 'mad stage antics' would all look to The Who for inspiration at some point and would and shouldn't be afriad to admitt it!

I Have not really had much time to watch a good film recentally, i watch Freddie Got Fingered for
its pure comical value, however i think that becasue i have watched the film quite a few times the
comical value has gone down. I managed to catch The Green Mile when it was on television the
other week, that is a film i love as much as The Shawshank Redemption. They both have great
stories to them, probably because they come from a Steven King novel! The direction and poigant
storylines and great quotes in each help make them such tearjerkers at the end of them! a quote
from The Green Mile i will take to the grave is:

I'm Tired of people being ugly to each other, Im tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's to much of it, it's like pieces of glass in my head all the time

I guess from this i take lets me nice to each other, at the end of the day, its nice to be nice!!!

Have a good christmas, i will let you all know when 'Find you Voice' finds its way to Vimeo

Peace x

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