Tuesday 2 February 2010

the start of Febuary

well its the second month of 2010, and its my second blog of 2010, im getting better at this!

So Florence and the Machine arranged a tour which means there is a gig on my 21st in may, i didn't get tickets! i wasn't that dissapointed untill i remembered all the times i have seen her and realised how good she is. i saw her about a year ago opening for glasvegas, then she supported blur, saw her at reading festival twice, and 3 headline shows. I feel that a good way to see true tallent is if their live show is better than their album, and that is something which Florence really does. 'Lungs' is a breath of fresh air of an album, however her live show is taking over the uk music industry. something as original as having a harpist is nothing compared to the pure vocal tallent which florence has. i have put a video underneath this of her live and i have put a remix of one of her songs which is just amazing! i remember the 1st time me and my mate george saw her we litterly were jaw dropped, not just from her fantastic legs, but her voice, i haven't herd such tallent in the music industry for a very long time, and i dont think i will!!!

I watched Adventureland the other day. It was dubbed as 'the coolest comedy of the year' this is something which i feel is wrong. It is a good film, it has been made well and i cant fault anything about it. i would put it in the rom-com genre instead of comedy, there were elements of the film which were funny however i didn't find it hysterical. It was a very nice film, and a good watch, i will watch it again one day, the preformances were very comendibale and i will reccomend it.

I watched Benjimen Button as well. this was a great film, i found it was film gold. i dont know how Slumdog Millionare picked up all the awards instead of this film! Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchete are faultless, the CGI and story telling is immense. but i will say that there is one scene in particular which is amazing which leads up to Cate Blanchetes character getting run over, it is a bit of a montage but just amazing!!! the story of the film really got me thinking about life, as Button has a reversed life, and just how difficult it would be, strugleing to move when your immature and innocent, and having dimmensia when you should be most active as a child!

I could keep writing about this film for days, however i am going to stop and let you get on! please watch the films i put underneth.

untill next time....bigg X

Sorry i put same video twice!!! x

Sunday 24 January 2010

More stuff i've been watching/listening to!

heyheyhey, and 1st off, happy new year!!! Over christmas one of my faverioute drummers died, Jimmy 'The Rev' Sulivan, known as the drummer for the band Avenged Sevenfold was one of the best drummers i listened to, he was an asthetic drummer, looked great as he drummed. I stumbled on this video on Vimeo which is a tribute to him, really really uped my love for him and respect for his drumming ability!

This made me just want to get back to stoke and have a massive session on the drums, which is exactaly what i did. It also got me back into my metal and punk rock music, i have got into A Day to Remember a fair bit recentally and wisely invested in their homesick album! for all drummers out there 'The Downfall of us all' worth trying to play, especailly for double pedal lovers!!!

A film i watched recentaly which i really enjoyed was 'Perfume: the story of a murderer' I read the book whilst i was travelling in Ghana and found it very hard to put down! the film is very dark, like the story, and i loved the use of montage in certain scenes! I would reccomend watching this film, however i would say read the book 1st as you can use your imagineation, something which i think films kill. The film does this book the world of justice, which is now being more common, however, and as a film maker it pains me to say, you can't beat the book. I think being able to picture something yourself is unbeatable!

Im back at universtiy now. The Screening of 'Find your Voice' went well and i have had some great feedback from it. i will have it on vimeo soon. I now have an idea for something i want to make a documentory about for each of the pathways of my course, Tattoos, and the EDL is something i want to make a documentory about, and i might change the Malaria no more film so i can encorporate it with my course and make the film better and spend more time on it, we will see!

At uni we watched an old film called 'The Lonelieness of a Long Distance Runner' I think the thing i liked most about it was the use of flashback, i felt in this film the director really got the audience into the runners mind, i felt that when he was running we were going through his thoughts and we could relate to it, then when he does what happens at the end, you understand why, and really get to know the character. It was a film which i liked as entertainment, and could really appreciate the craftmanship of it and the techniques used to get the desired result

I'll try remember to do a new blog within a week, im going to try and get good at this bloggin lark!!!

untill then...... big kiss